How To Promote Your Blog
Making money on the internet is cool, but it’s not that easy to achieve, so don’t be deceived that the success comes overnight, you need some hard work, creativity, devotion and patience to make it online.
I joined hubpages some couple of years ago, and it has been so nice being a part of hubpages’ contributors, even though the success is not as much as the input, I must confess, which was why I decided to take a break and work on my own personal blog.
Making money on the internet is cool, but it’s not that easy to achieve, so don’t be deceived that the success comes overnight, you need some hard work, creativity, devotion and patience to make it online.
I joined hubpages some couple of years ago, and it has been so nice being a part of hubpages’ contributors, even though the success is not as much as the input, I must confess, which was why I decided to take a break and work on my own personal blog.
At first, I was okay with the earning I was getting from hubpages via google adsense, but as time went on, I discovered that google adsense isn’t really as rewarding as one puts into writing quality content articles, publishing them and promoting them, so I decided to develop a personal blog and see if I can maximize my income online, and it has been profitable so far, more profitable than when I was solely dependent on google adsense as my only means of earning money online. But remember, I am not condemning google adsense nor hubpages, because I am still part of them, and I am also earning from them.
This write-up is written to inspire, and as well to guide readers on how to promote their personal blogs and websites for free using social networking medias, etc.
As a matter of fact, I am going to be as precise and practical as possible, please be patient and read on...
First, my personal blog is a free host blog with google blogger, and I had been earning more money through direct advert placements from local business owners, than I earn with Google Adsense. Now, you may be wondering why I chose a free Google blogger as my blog host? I chose blogger because of simple template and easy application, plus the availability of blog promo tools like the google plus.
What are the ways I used in promoting my personal blog to achieve 2000 average page views and 1500 unique page visitors constant daily traffic on my blog?
Step by Step Guide to Promote Your Blog
1. I had a mentor- for you to succeed in life, you need to have a mentor, and things that inspire you to success. You may or may not know your mentors in person, but following their footsteps and reading about them will definitely guide you. So I made out time to research about the most popular bloggers in my home country- Nigeria, and other popular foreign bloggers, and I began to study their blogs, what they blog about, how they go about it, and how readers respond to their blog posts. This gave me the insight on how to work on my own blog and what to blog about. So if you want to succeed in blogging today, chose some mentors and follow them strictly, also follow their blogs, subscribe to their blog rss feeds, etc, and if possible, follow them on twitter too and you can always ask them for a follow back, and believe me, most will follow you back. This helps to boost your twitter presence and will help you in promoting your blog later.
2. Be consistent- only a handful of bloggers worldwide update their personal blogs daily. What am I trying to say here? Try and be posting new stories, gists, news, etc on your blog on a daily basis if you truly want to hit the target of 2000 page views daily. I understand that it is not that easy for a beginner for so many reasons not limited to the fact that you will run out of topic to discuss, internet access, and time, but then, you mustn’t be posting your own unique stories on your blog daily, you can be keeping your blog alive using daily world news, celebrity gossip, sports news, fashion news, etc. but please, always make sure that you reference the source of each news or story you got from another website or blog, this will make you look sensible and also keep your blogging integrity. Avoid copy and paste without acknowledging the original source.
3. Be unique- even though you will be needing stories and news from other blogs and sites to keep your blog alive on a daily basis, please make sure you update your blog with your own unique stories, at least thrice a week is okay. This will make your blog unique because your regular readers will always come to check for new stories that aren’t found elsewhere.
4. Make sure your blog design and appearance is attractive and appealing- humans in general, love beautiful things. To attract more visitors to your blog, ensure your blog template and layout are attractive and appealing to draw attention.
5. Always use picture illustration- the effects of photograph on news can’t be under-estimated, so make use of pictures to give your readers a pictorial view of whatever news or story you are sharing on your blog.
6. Join reputable forums- join as many forums as possible and make sure you keep a good personality there and whenever a topic is raised on a certain subject, use the opportunity to showcase your blog after making a reasonable contribution that will convince forum members and visitors to check out your blog.
7. Create a Facebook fan page for your blog- this works like magic. I can’t emphasize much on this, just sign up for a facebook fan page, and if you have the extra cents, pay for a facebook fan page advert to reach more audience faster. Now, after you have created the fan page, that’s not the end. Try and be updating your blog facebook fan page by posting subject of your most interesting blog posts with pictures and link to your blog on the fan page.
8. Create a twitter account- when you do this, follow as many people as followable, and try and be updating your twitter account with updates from your latest blog posts. Don’t go tweeting irrelevant things on your twitter so people can take you serious. Be strict- business first before pleasure!
9. Join other social network platforms- pinterest, instagram, etc.
10. Create more facebook fan pages- create more and more facebook fan pages where you will be sharing your blog posts and posts from other blogs and websites to get more likes, which will also help your internet marketing business as time goes.
If you have any question or need further clarification, you can reach me, meanwhile I would welcome more tips to help me improve my blog visitors to 10000 per day, and to also improve my blog readers’ comments because I usually have lots of visitors but few comments, and it is the comments that help to convince local product owners and companies to desire to place direct adverts on my blog, so I need more tips to encourage my readers to be commenting more.
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